Founders of the Public Institution “Physicians for Truth and Justice”
Today it became known that on May 3, 2024, the KGB of Belarus declared the collective of the institution “Physicians for Truth and Justice” an extremist formation.
We are unaware of any facts on the basis of which KGB employees deemed our activities extremist. In the traditional style for contemporary Belarus, the decision was made extrajudicially, and the founders had no opportunity to familiarize themselves with the materials of the case.
The institution “Physicians for Truth and Justice” is engaged in researching and discussing socially significant problems, providing platforms for public statements by experts, specialists, citizens, organizing discussions on penitentiary health topics.
The penitentiary system in any country should be subject to civilian control. Numerous testimonies in the public domain of violations of both national and international legislation, including the creation of inhumane conditions of detention, the use of torture, violations of protocols and rules for providing medical and psychological assistance to the accused and convicted in Belarusian prisons, require urgent investigation and immediate effective response.
We interpret the decision made by KGB employees as unlawful, not in line with the norms of national and international law.
We recommend to the employees of KGB to fulfill their main functions: to focus on compliance with legislation aimed at ensuring the security of citizens, rather than inventing imaginary enemies to maintain the power of one person. Such actions are essentially unlawful and destructive to national interests in their consequences.
Fulfilling our civic duty to our country, we continue to work persistently and consistently to ensure that the Rule of Law operates in the Republic of Belarus, and truth and justice prevail.
Adopted at the founders’ meeting on May 8, 2024.